The CBD Greeneo e-liquids offer a gentle initiation to CBD vapour. Composed of natural cannabidiol (CBD) European organic hemp extract and hemp terpenes and fruit, Greeneo has created different ranges of CBD e-liquids that will delight both lovers of sweet flavors and lovers of hemp.
Some CBD Greeneo e-liquids do not hide by their affiliation to well-known flavors. Steaming CBD e-liquids are specially formulated to provide you with the perfect concentration of CBD at each puff.
Cannabidiol is a molecule of the cannabinoid family that is present in cannabis. Of course this one is not to be confused with THC, surely the best known cannabinoids. Unlike THC, CBD does not cause euphoric effects, although it remains a psychoactive substance such as coffee or chocolate.
The CBD used in e-liquids is directly extracted from the hemp plant, thus an CBD isolate is obtained in the form of crystals. These crystals are then diluted in a propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG) base to give e-liquids to CBD.
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