Jorge Cervantes’ bestseller is considered worldwide as the best source of comprehensive information on indoor growing.
Clearly structured, this practical guide presents in detail all the techniques that make indoor cultivation successful today, from small gardens for amateurs to the most sophisticated installations.
Diagrams, tips, golden rules and a large number of illustrations help ensure the abundance and quality of harvests.
The ultimate reference for the grower and expert: step-by-step high-tech horticulture in an updated Master Edition with new professional contacts and never-before-seen graphics (substrates, passive hydroponic systems, etc.).
JardinoScope Indoor Culture also includes a professional directory updated each year, the JardinoScope, which lists addresses, websites, trade shows, festivals and more than 1,700 professional contacts.
Jorge Cervantes, writer, photographer and global specialist in high-tech gardening, is translated into twelve languages.
His bestseller Indoor Horticulture has sold more than a million copies.
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